As water flows uphill (grin) so May creeps into April's calendar spot, lurking just beyond the page, ready to pounce.
This is ridiculous, but then, it's late. I can be ridiculous. It could be my last chance to be ridiculous in April. (If you believe that, I have a nice little piece of waterfront property available. You can see it in the above photo.)
Such a lovely month, April. Come she will & go she will & even rain & snow she will. It's supposed to be warmish & sunny-ish this week though. Perhaps we can count that as May's influence.
Did I tell you I sent my novel out? The Secret Life of Suzuki England has been re-released into the wild. I'm sure the intrepid adventuress will let me know how it's going as soon as she can convince a friendly crow to deliver the message. Or maybe a black moth.
It's time to finish up the post but not give up the ghost. What a delightful day it was. Poker & a movie & good food & good work & conversation & exercise.
Blog alternative:
258. Drink some water. (But don't wet the bed.)