Sunday, April 28, 2013

The crow knows

As water flows uphill (grin) so May creeps into April's calendar spot, lurking just beyond the page, ready to pounce.

This is ridiculous, but then, it's late. I can be ridiculous. It could be my last chance to be ridiculous in April. (If you believe that, I have a nice little piece of waterfront property available. You can see it in the above photo.)

Such a lovely month, April. Come she will & go she will & even rain & snow she will. It's supposed to be warmish & sunny-ish this week though. Perhaps we can count that as May's influence.

Did I tell you I sent my novel out? The Secret Life of Suzuki England has been re-released into the wild. I'm sure the intrepid adventuress will let me know how it's going as soon as she can convince a friendly crow to deliver the message. Or maybe a black moth.

It's time to finish up the post but not give up the ghost. What a delightful day it was. Poker & a movie & good food & good work & conversation & exercise.

Blog alternative:
258. Drink some water. (But don't wet the bed.)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Delayed launch party

Announcing the release of Laurel 5.4

(Actual release date: 22 April 2013 -- we've been working a few bugs out. On the 22nd, she was locked INTO her house for several hours. On the 23rd, she made 3 trips to Lowes to get 2 working duplicate keys for the new lock. So this is only her second full day doing chosen activities. She seems to be functioning well. We'll keep you posted.)

Time to get ready to go to Ruth's Chris for a happy hour hamburger.

Blog alternative:
257. Work out a few bugs, in yourself or something around you.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Nipped in the bud

April showers on the way.

A month of cards & words,

the art of living,

the living of art.

Cooking great food

& eating just enough.

After I started writing this,

I realized I didn't want to continue

so I won't...

Blog alternative:
256. Stop doing something.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The third dish of April

speed of light coffee cup -- grab it before it gets away
It was April thirdish -- the third dish of April & who would have blamed her for taking a second helping. After all that Marching, colder than January.

But the cafeteria lady, the one with the hairnet & the big spoon, gave her that no-no finger sign. "One per customer," she said, firmly but not unkindly. "Same as always."

Whether you like the dish or not, that's the rule. One person, one day. You have to eat it all, unless you choke on it & aren't signed up for tomorrow, & you never get to eat it more than once. You can think you're getting another go at it, but what you're doing is always & only flavoring the new dish day with the seasonings of the old. Every day is fresh new ingredients & you can nibble at them or gulp them down or push them away & pretend you're on some "not today" diet, but eat you will, my darlings. You can make lemonade out of lemons; make mudpies out of mud puddles (heroically decorated with three pebbles & a twig with one leaf left); mix things up with your tastes in mind. There's bound to be something in your day that's less to your liking than some of the other bits, but if you focus on the parts you like, it's a way of putting more of those delectables onto the shopping list. The cafeteria lady will favor you with a smile & a wink & give you a special serving designed just for you.

I just helped a friend out by providing a red sharpie, two ellie poo paper hearts (paper made from elephant dung -- it's way cooler than it sounds) & a glue stick. When she returned the parts she didn't use to my room & admired some of my (very) eclectic decorating & art work, she passed along a compliment that her mother gave to her: "You have a curly mind." I so love that!

Blog alternative:
255. Think about the flavors of the day -- this one or another from not so long ago. Put your favorites on a mental shopping list & keep an eye out: that cafeteria lady just might serve them up soon.